| Our relationship with God the Father always involves God the Son or Jesus Christ, Who was there with our Father in Heaven when He created the Universe through Him or His Word (John 1:1-3) and His Wisdom or God the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:11) Who swept the barren landscape like a Wind (Gen 1:2). Jesus Christ was being truthful when He said "I and the Father are One," (John 10:30) and "Anyone who had seen me, have seen the Father;' (John 14:9) or when He instituted the Sacrament of Confirmation, and breathed the Holy Spirit to His Disciples (John 20:23) including His mother Mary in the Upper Room during Pentecost when He said "Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive will be forgiven them," because He didn't want to leave them orphans but empower them with the Holy Spirit, Who like Himself & God the Father are Three Persons in One God, united in Love, Infinitely Good & True; and referred to as the Holy Trinity in Christianity. Just like they were together when I first experienced the Charismatic Gift of Tongue for the first time, when I felt the Fire of the Holy Spirit in my heart, opened my mouth to say Abba in order to praise our Father in Heaven, but my tongue kept making guttural sounds, which became uncontrollably louder and louder in praising Him, while I had a mental picture of Jesus Christ, Who I wanted to call out but couldn't; so I got scared because I was alone in front of the altar in our bedroom; until I finally broke down, and uttered in tears & amazement "I believe; I believe; I believe!" Now, it makes more sense to me when I bless myself by making the Sign of the Cross with Holy Water while uttering 'In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,' when entering a Catholic Church, or begin my prayers during Holy Mass by mentioning the Three Persons in One God or the Holy Trinity; instead of focusing on God the Son in the Person of Jesus Christ alone, because I can't imagine, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit apart from thinking of Them as an old man and a dove respectively in the Western tradition. That is why I prefer the Eastern or Orthodox way of explaining the Holy Trinity using the most famous Russian icon by Rublev, who painted the fresco of the 3 Angels who visited Abraham, as representing God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit because they are all looking like the same God but three Persons, dressed in blue tunic which account for their Divine Unity, but with different personalities for wearing other shades of colors, and the expression of Love which is common in their relationship with each other; afterall, God is Love. Which reminded me of the dramedy that I watched with Gie on TV recently; when the male protagonist, who found out that his female friend aborted their baby when they had sex once in high school, but didn't know because she never returned his calls, and he lost touch of her after graduation, until after college when she offered him a business partnership job after experiencing remorse for treating such a good friend. Unfortunately, she got hurt when he never took the job seriously, until she finally blurted out what really happened after their high school prom sex. He was devastated and said something like this about their friendship and relationship: I don't know why I keep loving you; I don't know why I stick with you when you only use me; but now I know why I must stop loving you, so that this relationship will come to an end. In other words, should I keep my loving relationships with other persons, like in the Holy Trinity, knowing fully well that I am just being used and abused by some of the people who I love, or keep loving them even when they become unlovable, which means that they perceive, and treat me like an enemy? (To be continued...) |