I predict that Trump will be reelected as POTUS on November 3, and beat Biden (who received the necessary delegates yesterday to win the primary election, and became the presumptive nominee for US President of the Democratic Party,) because the pandemic is winding down, the coronavirus is weakening, the stock market is surging, unemployment numbers are going down, and the mood of the country is positive, despite of the negative publicity brought about by racial inequality and white privilege, perpetuated by mainstream media due to the vicious murder of a black person, George Floyd, by a white cop, which brought about riots, looting, and disgust all over major cities in the US, and around the world.
Mr. Trump is far from being the ideal specimen of what a leader of the most powerful country in the world must be personified; but he is no racist. And neither is he lethargic, incorrigible and unable to express himself, a Socialist, and afraid of Jin Ping, Putin, Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah, or any world leader for that matter, but know how to engage them in negotiations, or punish them when there is a need (like this pandemic, which blindsided him; so therefore, wait and see after the election;) but rather, poker-faced & unpredictable, pro-Life & capitalism, loves his country and fellow Americans, more than any other country or its citizens, and believes in God more than himself, inspite of being a narcissist, egotistical, and self-absorbed, because he can't help it, but surrounded himself with true believers like his Vice-President Pense, and appointed Justices of the Supreme Court: Gorsuth and Cavanaugh.
What happens if the Democrats put more roadblocks in order for him to lose on the eve of the presidential election in less than five months? Besides, Biden is a devout Catholic Christian himself like Pelosi, and deep in their hearts, they're against abortion, but cannot dictate their personal feelings to their constituents in the political arena, because of separation of Church and State, as mandated by the Constitution?
After overcoming every false narratives by the Democrats, such as, his Russian collusion, impeachment, racism, hedonism, religious hypocrisy, and what have you, I have no doubts that President Trump will be able to eschew any other accusations labelled against him, and will have his last ammunition readily available, and will not be caught by anymore surprises that he encountered since day one of his inauguration, whether they're coming from Democrats in Congress, Obama & the Deep State, or Jin Ping & the Chinese Communist Party, as long as he's alive on the eve of his reelection.
Besides, his opponent Biden is inutile to bring back the Catholic vote, especially the 70% of Filipino Christians who voted for Hillary in the last election, because Trump is the most pro-Life President of the United States, who supports the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries against CCP's bullying in South China Sea (in fact, Pres. Duterte reversed his decision to abrogate the joint military exercises of US & the Philippines under their Mutual DefenseTreaty after realizng that Communist China, his crony after receiving loan guarantees for his infrastructure projects in the Philippines, cannot be trusted after the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, resulting in 300,000 lost jobs of overseas Filipinos, which is Duterte's 2nd most reliable dollar earner for the country in the form of remittances, aside from other Asean countries which bore the grunt of Communist China's bullying in South China Sea.
Biden lost the support of the blacks after making a racist comment that they are not black enough if they vote for Trump, which backfired at him. And even if he decides to choose a black female running mate, he will still be unable to solidify the full support of the black community because he and Obama did not create more jobs and stop violence in their neighborhoods during their two terms.
And, I believe Trump's winning strategy that doomed Hillary Clinton in 2016, more than what the polls say, what CNN, MSNBC, New York Times & Washington Post say, or what the owners of Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon say, because they, including the liberal movers and shakers of ideas in the Academia, Hollywood, and the Vatican, don't like him and his guts, which are anathema to their worldview of what constitutes the New World, namely: without borders, overpopulation, poverty & disease, too much conflict, suffering & climate change, and the preponderance of rights, freedom & religion.
No matter what happens from now until election, Trump is strong enough to withstand all accusations from the Left, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter about racial inequality, police brutality, and white privilege that is sweeping the nation because he is not a racist; he is willing to reform some bad apples in police uniform; but he is against defunding or abolishing the police, whose ranks are not all white but multi-racial, and who are there to protect Americans, especially minorities who are victims of crimes in their own communities (or otherwise, who are they going to call, if the Democrats defund, or abolish the police?) which shall catapult Trump to four more years in the White House.
(NEXT: 2nd Conclusion & Predictions...)