One of the hippest part of turning 65 years old is not becoming officially a member of the Seniors Club, but getting your Red, White & Blue or Medicare card. It comes with a lot of funfare because six months prior to it, you get bombarded by tons of mail from different insurance companies enticing you to give them a call in order to understand the intricacies of becoming a Medicare recipient, and the options you have to get the best coverage for your medical needs during your retirement years; which for the uninitiated will make them feel like the most-sought after celebrity because every seniors meetings or conventions that you go to, the insurance representatives stop and ask you questions with gusto, when in fact, they only want your business.
For me, however, I look at it as a wake-up call to remind myself that I'm getting closer to my judgement day before the Lord, and therefore, I must examine my life if it is worth-living like Socrates said, and that I'm prepared to make adjustments in order to avoid the Cooker/Hell, get closer to God, and be ready to be united with Him. In other words, there is no denying that the end of my life is becoming more inevitable, and my spiritual growth and transformation more questionable, if I really believe in life after death, Heaven or Hell, and in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
What a coincidence, because one of the topics we discussed during our recent Bible teaching in our Charismatic Group was about having still a BRUHA (which stands for Bitterness, Resentment, Unforgiveness, Hatred and Anger) at present, even after having been in the Charismatic Renewal for a long time, or you have that look on your face like it's time to go.
To my surprise, I kept asking myself about my unresolved BRUHA, and yet I did not volunteer (which was unusual) to share my thoughts after the talk because I can't think of any of these BRUHA still lingering in me after having forgiven the people who wronged or abused me when I was a young boy (which by the way was the toughest thing to do, because there was a time when I prayed for the early demise of my predators, or for God to take them first before me, in order to reverse the common thinking that the good people always die young, and evil ones prosper.) Even the people who taunted me with their wickedness, malice, favoritism, or ignorance from high school to adulthood pales in comparison to the suffering I endured in the hands of those who tried to kill the Life of Christ inside an innocent child like me.
Today, contrary to the opinion of friends & family, classmates & acquaintances, or anybody who knows me, I can honestly say that I am able to sleep soundly at night because I have no more bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, hatred, and anger towards anybody in my life-- past, present, and hopefully, into the future. And, I praise and thank the Lord for that because I could not have done it without Him.