Are you exhausted? I am; not because of writing this Easter Confession Blog with 13 incantations so far, and have no idea where it's taking me because it took a life of its own during this pandemic, or Age of the Coronavirus, while it became a serendipitous outlet for me. Neither is it due to physical fatigue since I had not been exercising because our Clubhouse gym, pool, spa, and sauna had been closed, while jogging around the community is a hassle; so I had to limit myself to walking around the block every night before taking a shower, and going to bed, or going up and down our wrap-around stairs with 25 steps and 3 landings for 200 times, twice a day. Nor is it due to lack of food or sleep because I'd been cooking balanced food, while taking my senior multi-vitamins, and natural sleeping pills I bought in Walgreens, in case I took too much coffee during the day. Rather, I feel exhausted because of the situation we're in-- this pandemic, social distancing, or being unable to see & hug my children, grandchildren, friends or relatives, lockdown or self-quarantine, having to watch Sunday Mass on EWTN or drive on the other side of the city, can't watch movies or shows, attend Bible study, Charismatiic prayer meetings, fellowships & parties, not to mention the recent chaos around the city brought about by rioting & looting due to the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis. (TO BE CONTINUED...) |