Whereas, President Trump already declared last weekend that houses of worship were essential, and must be allowed to open, or he would override Governors, Mayors, or County Officials if they said otherwise, and yet there are many Democrat leaders who keep sowing panic among the people, who are still afraid to go to their churches, or even bishops who want to keep their diocese closed until a safe vaccine against the coronavirus is approved by CDC. I think that the Liberal media and Democrats are using the coronavirus as an excuse to keep people, priests, and bishops afraid to reopen their churches; while abortion clinics are considered safe and essential to women's rights, and must be kept open, that I'm beginning to agree with that person who posted perceptively and succinctly on Facebook recently that: The word "Pandemic" is just "Dem" surrounded by "Panic!"
I think that the Democrats are the ones panicking during this presidential election year, which is happening in less than 6 months, after their narratives on Russia collusion, Trump impeachment, or blaming Trump for inefficiency, instead of China and the WHO, for this pandemic, did not pan out, because now they're using racial inequality due to the senseless and brutal killing of a black guy, George Floyd, by a white police officer (who I believe is guilty of manslaughter, if not murder because they had a history of animosity against each other, when they worked together) in Minneapolis, in order to shore up Black support for their lackluster and very forgetful candidate Biden, who was castigated recently by the Blacks for making racial slurs against them-- meaning they're not Black enough, if they vote for Trump.
Anyway, Jesus Christ could have dismissed His impending Crucifixion and Death with a flick of His Fingers because He is the Son of God, and is God Himself; and yet He gathered His disciples & Mary in the Upper Room, instituted His Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, and founded His Catholic Church on the Day of the Pentecost, 1,990 years ago, on the eve of His Passion and Death; while we make excuses for keeping His Churches closed, instead of celebrating the birthday of His Church, and receive His Body, Soul, and Divinity through the Blessed Sacrament next Sunday, on the Feast of the Pentecost, inside our Parish Churches, because we are afraid of fellow Catholics who will not be social distancing, and thereby getting infected from the coronavirus by them.
In other words, we, who believe in Life after Death here on earth, in the "Resurrection of the Body, and Life Everlasting" in Heaven, where pain or suffering is neither felt nor remembered, but love, peace and joy are in abundance with fellow believers, or while contemplating on the Perfect Happiness or Perfect Being of the Trinity-- Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, while in the presence of all the Angels & Saints in Heaven, including Mama Mary, are afraid of dying. What a travesty!
Here are some of the things that I observed, learned, or took to heart during this Age of the Coronavirus:
1. First and foremost, Jesus I trust in You. I praise and thank You Lord for healing me, and saving my life for fourth time, after contracting the coronavirus in Singapore, and for testing negative from the virus with Gie, after exhibiting again the symptoms of the disease last month;
2. Nothing can separate us from the Love and Divine Mercy of God, not even love ones; not sin or death, if we repent to God-- Who is full of Compassion and Grace; and neither Satan and his legions of devils and antichrists, who run away at the sight of the Mother of God;
3. Life is short; so let's be nicer, kinder, and more loving to one another, including our enemies, by doing good even to those who hate us, or put us down by gossiping about us, and despise us because of greed, envy, and pride.